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Floor plans - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Floor plans and virtual tours for suites of venue The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Derby Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Derby Room - - 12 - 12 - 30 3.05 3.66 4.27 15

Ascot Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Ascot Room 20 9 12 - 12 - 30 3.05 5.79 2.74 15

Mayfair Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Mayfair Room 20 20 14 - 20 12 30 3.05 6.1 3.66 22

Bristol Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Bristol Room 20 12 15 - 20 13 25 3.05 5.79 3.96 22

Cambridge Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Cambridge Room 30 24 20 - 20 18 35 3.35 7.62 4.57 34

Boardroom Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Boardroom - - 12 - 12 - - 3.05 7.92 4.57 36

Library Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Library 40 30 15 - 30 - 50 4.27 5.49 7.01 38

Study Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Study 40 30 15 - 30 - 50 4.27 5.49 7.01 38

Club Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Club Room 30 30 15 - 20 - 30 3.66 5.49 7.01 38

Sussex Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Sussex Room 30 18 20 - 30 - 40 2.74 4.88 7.92 38

Hampton Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Hampton Room 38 30 30 - 40 - 45 3.05 9.45 4.88 46

Yorkshire Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Yorkshire Room 50 22 20 - 50 - 80 3.05 11.28 4.27 48

Kent Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Kent Room 45 35 24 - 50 21 50 3.05 11.28 4.27 48

Essex Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Essex Room 50 35 30 - 40 27 55 3.05 10.06 5.79 58

Victorian Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Victorian Room 50 30 30 - 40 27 65 3.05 10.06 5.79 58

Oxford Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Oxford Room 50 35 40 - 50 36 70 3.05 13.72 4.57 62

Olympic Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Olympic Room 100 63 35 - 70 32 150 3.35 15.24 4.88 74

Elizabethan Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Elizabethan Room - - - - 400 - 440 2.44 36.88 11.28 416

California Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
California Room 550 350 - - 600 - 625 2.74 24.08 24.08 576

Borgia Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Borgia Room 100 60 35 - 90 32 100 2.49 6.4 10.97 69

Georgian Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Georgian Room 150 100 45 - 150 40 150 3.05 16.46 12.19 200

Italian Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Italian Room 250 150 55 - 200 50 250 7.32 19.81 10.97 213

Colonial Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Colonial Room 350 220 60 - 300 52 400 7.32 19.2 15.85 304

Grand Ballroom Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Grand Ballroom 1500 800 - - 1000 - 1500 4.88 28.65 34.75 994

Victor's Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Victor's - - - - 150 - 250 5.79 30.48 9.14 308

Alexandra's Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Alexandra's - - - - 250 - 350 4.57 12.19 14.94 405

Library Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Library 40 30 15 - 30 - 50 4.27 5.49 7.01 38

Study Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Study 40 30 15 - 30 - 50 3.66 5.49 7.01 38

Club Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Club Room 30 30 15 - 20 - 30 3.66 5.49 7.01 38

East Room Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
East Room 175 70 45 - 100 45 215 3.66 6.1 15.24 92

Tower Salon B Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Tower Salon B 60 27 22 - 50 20 60 3.35 8.53 8.53 72

Tower Salon A Suite - The Westin St Francis Union Square San Francisco

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Tower Salon A 300 170 45 - 290 40 300 3.35 18.29 16.46 301

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